kingdom training and sending center

Meet the
Josh and Rachael Minter are missionaries, worship leaders, and revivalists. They have served and led ministry schools and missions teams in Africa and in the US. They have a passion to reveal the radical love of Jesus to all people they encounter and serve.
“We believe God is raising up Shiloh School to equip the saints to carry the presence of God everywhere they go!”

"The Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”
Revelation 11:15

Until He comes, until Jesus returns - we will stand firm.
This school is focused on discipleship and commissioning. We want to equip and send. Train and release. We want to see an army of Sons and Daughters of King Jesus raised up who are confident in their identity and then released to bring the Gospel of The Kingdom to every corner and facet of our world and culture.
So this school is for YOU! It’s for everyone who wants to invest in their relationship with God and their calling in a more focused way. Whether you are a new believer or you are decades into your walk with God — this is for you.
Starting in January 2024 we will begin our next three month semester, and we really want YOU to join us!
I have been a believer for 32 years. I have been to many conferences, church classes, seminars and this school will definitely rank in the top three most influential experiences in my spiritual growth. I actually feel I have something to offer a non-believer, that there is a joy and peace that I never knew existed. I now look at people differently and see them with more compassion and am open to engaging them in conversation. I see them as potential treasures.


Tuition for the full 3 months: $150 per student

We are excited to relaunch Shiloh School Kids! We do not believe there is a "Jr. Holy Spirit." We are passionate to see our children raised up to know Jesus and walk in His power for themselves! This program will be available every Sunday evening during 5-8PM up to age 12.
*Shiloh School Kids will be offered on an as-needed basis if there is enough interest.

Friday, January 5 • 7-9:30PM || Saturday, January 6 • 10AM-3PM
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
January 7
January 14
January 21
January 27 (9AM-3PM)
January 28
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
February 4
February 11
February 18
February 24 (9AM-3PM)
February 25
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
March 3
March 10
March 17
March 23 (9AM-3PM)
March 24
Priority of Worship and the Presence of God
Father Heart of God
Authority of the Scriptures
Identity in Christ
Spending Time with Jesus
Inner Healing and Deliverance
Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
The Spirit-Filled Life
Revival History
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Signs, Wonders and Miracles
God's Heart for the Nations
Personal Mission and Calling
Laying Down Your Rights
Evangelism and Sharing the Gospel
Friday, March 29 - Saturday, March 30
